There are solutions to environmental problems caused by society's wastes.


We focus on electric utility wastes and the disproportionate adverse health and economic impacts of electric utility wastes on Indigenous Peoples, People of Color and those who live at subsistence levels.

Our mission is to phase in modern renewable energy and energy efficiency systems and technologies, to phase out destructive electrical generation technologies and obsolete, abusive energy management practices, and to empower those who are disproportionately affected to utilize mitigation and remediation strategies.

NAWO programs connect energy development with environmental protection, local economic development, public health and social justice.

Our objective is to provide all people with affordable energy resources that are required for healthy, productive lives, thereby reducing a major cause of war.


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Sacred Water, Water for Life is a call to action. It is an instruction manual. Sacred Water provides direction to regain an Indigenous state of health that  incorporates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of human reality.

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